God’s support – & making the most of our situation
One of the most powerful stories in Genesis, is about Joseph – you know the one with the special coat favoured by his father. It’s a shocking story ab [...]
One of the most powerful stories in Genesis, is about Joseph – you know the one with the special coat favoured by his father. It’s a shocking story ab [...]
The recent demonstrations in the USA and across the world sparked by the avoidable and tragic death of the Afro-American George Floyd, are a vivid rem [...]
One of my favourite hymns is St Patrick’s Breastplate. It’s a powerfully affirming hymn that has weathered the centuries of Christian devotion and rem [...]
Luke’s story of the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples is highly dramatic and very powerful. I think Luke is drawn to the dramatic, to power [...]
One of the vivid memories I have of my time on the Island of Iona in Scotland is what happened every Saturday morning. This was the time when all the [...]
This Sunday we hear Jesus speaking to his disciples preparing them for the time when he will no longer be with them. Maybe you have done this from tim [...]
One of the first images we are given of the early Christian Church is that of the disciples who have gathered for mutual support in an atmosphere of f [...]
Holy Week and Easter have always been deeply significant for me and a very rich time of prayer and worship. Through Holy week we have generally gather [...]
It's Palm Sunday this Sunday! A day when the Christian communities around the world traditionally have palm branches adorning their church buildings, [...]
This Sunday will be the first time when there will be no service of public worship at St John's in the way we normally understand it. All religious se [...]