Lest we forget
Today is Anzac Day, which always falls in the Easter Season. And Easter is all about Jesus giving his life so that we might live. In the middle of the [...]
Today is Anzac Day, which always falls in the Easter Season. And Easter is all about Jesus giving his life so that we might live. In the middle of the [...]
One of the most gracious images of God in the book of the Prophet Isaiah is that of a vendor in a busy marketplace. I don’t know if you have ever been [...]
A hush descends as the lights are switched off. The congregation is bubbling with anticipation. A young child says, ‘It’s dark!’ to muted laughter. We [...]
January is generally a pretty quiet time as people relax into summer, enjoy the beach or time away from the usual routines of life. I have often enjoy [...]
Jesus’ command to love one another is the focus of the Gospel reading this Sunday. This message is central to the Gospel of John and reveals the heart [...]
“Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise”: These words hint at a new beginning, not that the women coming to the tomb know that ye [...]